Welcome to 1O
A big welcome to all our children who have started Year 1 at St Christopher's after the summer break. We are delighted with how well the children have settled into 1O and look forward to our learning journey this year.
Class Teacher- Miss O'Connor
Support staff- Mrs Robinson
We always try our best and have lots fun while we learn in Year 1!
Below you will find lots of information about our class, including what we have been up to, homework, reading book days and PE.
Homework Menu
Every half term, a homework menu will be given out with a selection of tasks to be completed, across all areas of the curriculum. It is your choice how many you complete, however you must do at least one and hand it in by the end of the half term. Your completed work will be celebrated.
Water Bottles
There are studies to say, that drinking water and being well hydrated, improves the mood, memory and attention in children. Children can bring in a water (and only water) in a named bottle so if they get thirsty they have access to a drink throughout the day. Unfortunately, we don't have the facilities in class to provide drinks, please provide your child with a clearly labelled drink. Thank you.
Our PE day this year is Wednesday. Please ensure that your child comes to school in their PE kit on Wednesday. No PE kits are to be brought into school.
‘The school PE kit is available from Lazer School Wear, St Mary’s Road in Garston. This is a red t-shirt with the school badge and school blue shorts. However, your child can also wear a plain red t-shirt and dark blue shorts that are available from most supermarkets. The children can wear any training shoes for PE.
This is part of our school uniform and must be worn for PE lessons.
Football kits and other sportswear will not be allowed.’
Book Bags
Reading books will be changed regularly. Your child will take home a Read, Write Inc phonics book which your child has read during RWI lessons. They will also take home a book for you to read together for pleasure. Please send your child's book bag to school with them every day. Ebooks will also be allocated regularly on Oxford Owl. Your child's log in details are the same as last year.
In Year 1 we teach phonics daily. Phonics is the learning and application of the letters and sounds children need in order to read and write. We use Read, Write Inc to teach phonics and to apply these skills when reading and writing. Children will be taught in small groups. More information can be found here https://home.oxfordowl.co.uk/reading/reading-schemes-oxford-levels/read-write-inc-phonics-guide/
It is important for children to pronounce phonemes (sounds) correctly. Here is a video which shows how to pronounce them accurately. When saying phonemes with your child, please pronounce them correctly.
In the summer term of Year 1 children will be sitting the Phonics Screening check. Here is some information about this and we will also be putting on workshops on how you can support your child at home with this.
Class Dojo
In year 1we will continue to use Class Dojo as a method of communication with our families. If you require an invitation to join our class page please speak to Miss O’Connor and give her your up to date email address. Dojo allows us to share with you things we have been learning in class and share upcoming events. As well as Class story you can a send messages to the teacher, so anything you wish to share or talk about can be shared and we will reply as soon as we can. However please do not use this platform if you child will be absent from school please ring the office to inform them as this is our school policy.
Autumn 1
Our first half term in 1O will be exciting as we will be getting to know our new teachers, areas of the classroom and how we learn in year 1. Our main priority is to ensure that our children feel happy, confident, safe and secure in school. The children will have lots of opportunity to talk, play and express their feelings.
This half term our topic is toys.
RE: Our first topic is Creation and Covenant. The children will hear that God create the universe and everything in it. They will know that God wants us to love and care for the world and everything in it because it’s God’s gift to us.
English: We will be continuing with our Read, Write Inc lessons. Books linked to the sounds we have learned will be assigned on Oxford Owl. We will be reading some fantastic fiction, non-fiction and poetry books about toys. We will predict what will happen, answer questions and compare them to other books.
Whole Class Reading: Our whole class reading lessons will mainly be based on books about toys. In these lessons, the children will be taught and will use new, adventurous vocabulary. They will be encouraged to think about the text and use the text to help them answer questions.
Maths: We will be learning about the different ways we can make numbers, use number lines and have even practice how to spell numbers to 10! Our KIRF (key instant recall facts) focus is Number bonds to 5.
PE: The children will be given opportunities to learn and practise a variety of Dance skills.
PSHE: The children will explore their feelings and emotions. They will realise that there are a range of emotions and different ways and how to recognise them. The children will also talk about why they are special and who is special to them. The children will continue to develop their understanding of the Zones of Regulation.
RHSE: The children will learn to recognise signs that they are loved by their family.
Science: In science lessons, we will be naming and describing materials as well as looking at the properties of the materials. We will look at lots of toys and the materials they are made from.
Computing: The children will develop their understanding of technology and how it can help them in their everyday lives.
Music: The children will practise their skills in active listening, keeping a steady beat, and developing a sense of pitch by echo singing a leader.
Art: We will be studying the work of artist, Kandinsky and using block paints to explore colour mixing.
History: History lessons will involve us looking at how toys have changed over time. It would help your child if they could talk to you or another family member about toys or games you used to play.
DT: Towards the end of the term, we will make a moving toy car in DT. We will learn about the axle, axle holder and the chassis and the part they play in making a vehicle move.
Philosophy For Children (P4C):During this term and throughout the year, your child will have the opportunity to give their thoughts on various topics. During the sessions we will be encouraging the children to understand, that as well as their opinion being valued, it is also important to respect the throughs and opinions of others. The sessions are a time for discussion and debate and develop the children’s speaking and listening skills