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Special Educational Needs Information

Our Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) is:

Mrs Louise Chadwick (currently on maternity leave. Mrs C. Baxter is currently Acting SENCO)

0151 486 2835


The SENCo ensures that all staff follow the SEND Code of Practice to support the needs of our pupils. This may be provided through carefully differentiated work, additional support by an adult in a small group, one to one teaching time with a Teaching Assistant or using specialist services from outside the school. 


SEND Support for Families and setting.

Graduated approach

We follow the Assess, Plan, Do, Review cycle for our SEND pupils using Pupil profiles, EHATs (Early Help Assessment Tool) and Annual Reviews where needed to inform this process.

As a school, we provide support in class through differentiating work, providing support materials and providing interventions in reading, writing, speaking and listening and maths to support and raise attainment.


Work with Outside Agencies



At St Christopher's  we liaise closely with a wide range of outside agencies such as:

Educational Psychologist

Speech and language Therapy

Outreach Support (Abbots Lea and Aigburth High)

SENISS (Special Educational Needs Inclusion Support Service)

Health and Social Services

School’s Family Support Service

Occupational Therapy

Educational Welfare Officer

SEN Consortia

YPAS (The Young Persons Advisory Service)


Local G.Ps

Early Help Assessment Team

Quiet Place

ADDvanced solutions

This is a group run to support parents/carers of children with ASD either during or post diagnosis. 


They are currently offering virtual Community Network Groups and webinar Learning Workshops for parents and carers of children and young people living with neurodevelopmental conditions pre, during and post-diagnosis.  Please visit our calendar for booking information.


We continue to offer 1-1 consultations via:

- phone 0151 486 1788  Our phone lines are open Monday - Friday 9.00am – 5.00pm.

- email

- and through our open facebook page - ADDvanced Solutions Community Network and ADDvanced Solutions Community Network CIC our closed facebook group for parents and carers.

The Liverpool ASD Training Team are providing a series of Virtual Group Drop in advisory sessions via zoom.


They are for parents/carers who have any questions or concerns about their child, in regard to social communication difficulties, waiting an ASD assessment or your child has a diagnosis of autism. It is also an opportunity to speak with an ASD trainer and other parents.


The sessions will be one half hours long, you can choose to join anytime with in the time slot or stay for the duration.

You do not require a diagnosis to book your place.


Date: Autumn dates and Times (am / pm sessions)




Morning Session

Afternoon Session

27th October

9.30am – 11am

1pm – 2.30pm

1st November


1pm – 2.30pm

2nd November


1pm – 2.30pm

21st November


1pm – 2.30pm

18th December

9.30am  – 11am


19th December

9.30am – 11am


20th December

9.30am – 11am






If you would like to book onto one of the sessions, please 



Virtual Social communication and Behaviour Workshop


Date: Thursday 2nd  & Friday 3rd November   2023

Time: 9.30am – 12.00 pm 

Venue: via Zoom meeting



 Dear Parent/Carer,


 Whilst you are waiting for an assessment from the Neurological Developmental Pathway to  assess for Autistic Spectrum Disorder.  we would like to offer you the opportunity to attend the above  workshop on Social Communication and Social Behaviour (Both session dates need to be attended).


At this time the above workshop will be facilitated via a Zoom meeting.


If you wish to attend could you, please contact us on the email below and we will forward a zoom invite via your email address. You can use a computer, tablet or phone to access zoom.


If your child has received an ASD diagnosis can you, please let us know as this is a pre diagnosis workshop.


If the above dates for the workshop are not suitable please contact us to arrange future dates.



We look forward to meeting you.


Yours sincerely



ASD Training Team

School Nurse       


Our school nurse is Katie Harris.

Claire no longer holds monthly drop in sessions in school, referrals are done through school and the nurse will arrange to see parents then.  All referrals require parental consent and contact number.  If you have any concerns about your child and would like a referral made to the school nurse, please make an appointment with the school SENCo via the office or class teacher.  


Parents/carers can still contact the school nurse direct via this number:

0151 295 8415


Pupil Profiles


If  children's needs require them to have a pupil profile (pen portrait of the  child), the class teacher will consult with parents, pupil profiles are reviewed termly. 
