Being in school is vitally important to your child’s achievement, well-being, and wider development.
Research has found that pupils who performed better both at the end of primary and secondary school missed fewer days than those who didn’t perform as well.
Here at St. Christopher's, we take great pride in working with all of our school community to see the importance of excellent attendance and we have seen a great improvement in this but we are still striving to achieve our school target of whole school attendance being 97% or higher. (Please scroll down to the bottom of the page for weekly attendance figures).
What we do:
As it is one of our whole school focuses, we have many initiatives to increase attendance and celebrate our achievements.
* It is a focus of our assemblies with the weekly figures announced and celebrated.
* We have our class Potato Heads to fill and get a class prize – 1 piece for over 96% attendance and 2 pieces for 100% attendance. Once filled, the class can choose their prize i.e. an extra playtime.
* Individual certificates every term for excellent (over 97% attendance) or 100% attendance.
* Daily twitter updates and tweets celebrating 100% daily class attendance or weekly 100% attendance.