Drama took place throughout the year on Fridays with Mrs Corstin for children in Year 5 and 6. It has always been one of our most popular extra curricular clubs. Drama is a great club if you love acting, dancing or singing but it is also a fantastic club if you are a little shy and would like to feel more confident. Each week the children take part in lots of fun drama games and then build towards performances; this year's being 'A Christmas Carol.'
The children say - "I go to Drama because I love performing. The best thing about it is working really hard all term on a play and then getting to share it with everyone when we perform."
"I love the excitement of finding out which part I have."
Keep looking throughout the year for details of our current and past performances. Enjoy!
St Christopher's Presents....some past performances
A January Panto of
The Snow Queen
Roald Dahl's
Peter Pan
Our Christmas production of Peter Pan was a roaring success. A huge thankyou to all of the staff and parents who helped with make-up and costume. It was a team effort!