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Learning from home?

Code of Conduct for Online Learning

It is important for the children to continue learning when isolating at home.  Below you will find lots of activities to help with this.  You will find a sample timetable below, which can be used as a guide. Weekly lesson ideas, linked to the work we are doing in class will be uploaded.  To see these, please click on the relevant date you are looking for.  You will also find links to Spelling shed, Maths shed and Purple Mash.  Teachers will set weekly 'to dos' on these for the children to complete.

Class Dojo 

Below is the link to join 5M on class dojos. This is where updates and messages may be posted in the case of isolating at home.

Autumn Flashback 4 block 1. 

On each slide there are 4 maths questions.  Children should aim to complete one  slide a day.  The answers are on the slide, so you will need to view it as a slide show.  Then the answers will only appear when you click for them to.

Weekly lessons - Autumn 1
