Being called through baptism
Through the Sacrament of Baptism, all Christians are called to share in the mission of Jesus. Jesus’ mission was to make known God’s love for everyone and show people that living in God’s way brings love, justice and peace for all the world. There are many different ways of carrying out this mission. God calls each of us to a particular vocation in life. The word ‘vocation’ means ‘calling’ - that is responding to the call of Jesus. Last lesson, we saw how people show commitment in everyday life. The special call of Jesus requires a lifelong commitment.
This reassurance from God his heavenly Father, gave Jesus the courage to begin his mission. In order to help him spread the Good News of God’s love he called people to be his apostles. Read the story of Jesus calling Andrew and Simon that we read in John’s Gospel together and then discuss these questions:
Q?How do you think Jesus felt at his baptism and how did it help him?
Q?How do you feel when people reassure and praise you?Why is it important?
Q?How do you think Andrew felt when Jesus invited him to ‘come and see’?
Q?What was Andrew’s response to Jesus’ call?
Q?What do you think they did for ‘the rest of the day’?
Q?What commitment would this need?
Task :
Prepare some questions to ask Andrew in a hot-seat activity, which will explore the difference the call of Jesus made to his life. Ask him about incidents which happened in his life and what his response was and why.