Welcome to 3S's class page.
Teacher: Mr Stevenson
Learning Support Assistant: Mrs. Robinson
PE is every Friday.
The school PE kit is available from Lazer School Wear, St Mary’s Road in Garston. This is a red t-shirt with the school badge and school blue shorts. However, your child can also wear a plain red t-shirt and dark blue shorts that are available from most supermarkets. The children can wear any training shoes for PE.
This is part of our school uniform and must be worn for PE lessons.
Football kits and other sportswear will not be allowed.
Homework Menu
Every half term, a homework menu will be given out with a selection of tasks to be completed, across all areas of the curriculum. It is your choice how many you complete, however you must do at least one and hand it in by the end of the half term. Your completed work will be celebrated.
Book Bags
Please can you make sure you bring your book in every day so an adult can read with your child as much as possible.
If you are in Mr. Stevenson's Read2Write English group, you will receive a set of new spellings every Monday and take part in a spelling quiz every Friday.
Autumn Term
Egyptology is a fantastic book which focuses on the adventure of a girl who ventures into Egypt's pyramids. The children have the opportunity to read this book and write their very own mystery narrative. After this, children have the opportunity to write a diary entry.
After this, we will get the chance to read the book 'The Iron Man'. Children will have the opportunity to write a threat narrative and instructions about how to catch the Iron Man.
In the Autumn Term, children will be learning about place value of numbers up to 1,000. They will be adding and subtracting numbers up to 1,000. After this, they will be also learning about multiplication and division.
In Autumn Term our topics are:
In History we will be learning about the Ancient Egyptians and the Cradles of Civilisation!
In Geography we are going to learn about Rivers and Mountains!
This term we will be learning about Light and Rocks!