After practising your spelling this week, ask an adult to test you. See how many you can get? Good luck!
Imagine you are the character of Father. In the original story he is trying to invent a machine that will enable him to fly. What other machine could you invent? Some ideas:
Use one of these ideas or one from your own imagination. Draw and label a diagram of your fantastical invention. Tell me what it does and how it works. What will you need to make it?
Upload photos onto Class Dojo. If you can, you could even make a model of your invention using things you can find around the house.
Good luck and get inventing!
Maths - Fractions
Compare and order fractions greater than 1 (part 1)
Friday Free Choice Read!
Read a book of your own choice today. If you need books to read don't forget you can get access of lots of different stories on Purple Mash. Log on and go to SERIAL MASH. There are many books to choose from, some easy and some more challenging. Each week we will set you a book to look at on your Purple Mash TO DO'S, so don't forget to check it out.