Welcome Back
In 4CE our teachers are Mrs Corstin and Mrs Elsworth and our teaching assistant is Mrs La Hive
Our P.E day is Monday, please ensure children come into school wearing their P.E. kit on this day.
‘The school PE kit is available from Lazer School Wear, St Mary’s Road in Garston. This is a red t-shirt with the school badge and school blue shorts. However, your child can also wear a plain red t-shirt and dark blue shorts that are available from most supermarkets. The children can wear any training shoes for PE.
This is part of our school uniform and must be worn for PE lessons.
Football kits and other sportswear will not be allowed.’
Book Bags
Book bags will be sent out on Friday, giving you the weekend to read together. They should then be returned to school on Monday.
Water Bottles
Children are encouraged to bring a bottle of water to school every day. In 4CE we all have a place to store our bottle and can help ourselves throughout the day.
Spellings will be sent out with reading books and should be practiced at home and in school, ready for a spelling test on Friday. Who will get our super speller certificate?
Below you will find lots of information about our class, including what we have been up to. Watch this space for updates. Your teachers will also communicate through class dojo and twitter.
Autumn 1
R.E- Families and Belonging
This half term we will discuss what makes a family. We will learn how Jesus was part of a historical family just like us. We will explore how families come in all different shapes and sizes and families continue to grow, much like a tree with roots we can not see.
English- A Setting Narrative and Newspaper Report
This half term we will be studying how an author uses language for effect, when describing a setting. In English we follow Read to Write, this allows us to explore a wide and rich vocabulary and encourages us to continue to use language for effect in our own work.
Our book this half term is 'The Whale'
Maths- Place Value
In addition to our work on place value this half term, we will also start each day with flashback 4. This will allow us opportunities to recap prior learning and allow our teacher to address any misconceptions. We will also be rehearsing our times tables daily, which will help us during our weekly test each Friday.
It is in year 4, all children will take part in the government multiplication check (more information to follow in the spring term)
In Geography we are exploring rivers. We will start by looking at the River Rhine.
This half term, supported by our reading, we will be learning about living things and their habitats. We will explore food chains and food webs.
This half term we are studying Claude Monet. We will experiment with water colours to recreate Monet's famous water lilies painting.
Design and Technology
This term we will be exploring different joining techniques in textiles. We will be building on our prior learning from year 2, when we made hand puppets. We will explore existing products and plan and make a simple tote bag as part of our 2D shape to 3D product project. Watch this space for pictures of our finished product.
Reading- Steps to Read
In year 4 we enjoy daily whole class reading sessions, following steps to read. Our texts link well with our other curriculum studies. This half term we are reading a wide selection of fiction and non fiction about living things and their habitats. We know that our reading will support our studies in Science and provide us with a a wider range of knowledge in our own creative writing based on the text 'The Whale'
We also have an ongoing class reader. This half term we are enjoying...
'When the Mountains Roared'