SATs will soon be upon on us. Here on this page, you will find useful hints, advice and websites to make the build up to SATs as stress free as possible.
Why not start by having a quick look at the sample pages from DfE website to give you a rough guide as to what we can expect from this year's SATs.
The children will complete 3 maths tests. The first paper (arithmetic) will require the children to answer 36 questions in 30 minutes. This will be followed by two 40 minute reasoning tests, which requires children to reason about numbers alongside performing mathematical skills.
Maths at Home
Are you doing maths at home? Do you sometimes 'get stuck'and can't remember how to do something? Well, this prompt sheet is perfect for you. It gives you help with everything you will be learning this year.
It is also helpful for your parents if they 'get a bit stuck' too because maths has changed since they were in school!
Revision Tips and Advice
Revision should be little and often
Try to stick to 20 minutes at a time, take regular breaks and ask for help if you are struggling.
Ask for help
Whether you are finding work difficult or just want someone to test you or check your understanding, asking for help is really important
Rest and relaxation is just as important as revision
Make sure you get enough sleep and enjoy some “fun time” every day.
Eat well
Rewarding yourself with a treat like chocolate or some sweets after working hard is great but remember to have a balanced diet with lots of fresh fruit and vegetables and always try to eat breakfast as this will give you energy throughout the day!
Top tips for parents:
Use the study guides to support your child
Encourage your child to explain his/her thinking
If your child continues to struggle after being given help, tell them to speak to their teacher who will be happy to provide further help
Teach your child good studying habits e.g. working in a quiet place, asking when stuck, taking a break etc Reward / Praise your child for persisting with the homework
Talk through questions with your child. If the child is confident, you could make the question into a word problem.