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29.11.24 - Home Learning images

Home Learning due to School Closure - 29.11.24


Good morning,

As school is closed again today. Here are some suggestions of work for you to do at home:

1. Times Tables - Log onto TT Rockstars to try and earn our class some points in the KS2 tournament.

2. English - Write a setting description about the picture attached. Use ideas from the example paragraph to help inspire and enrich your writing.

3. Maths - Answer the word problems about equivalent fractions in the picture attached.

4. R.E - Click the link below and make some notes about Advent.

5. Geography - Click the link below and make some notes about our Geography topic of Oceans.

If you have any questions or problems, please just give me a message.

Have a nice day.

Home Learning due to School Closure - 28.11.24



Good morning,

As school is closed again today. Here are some suggestions of work for you to do at home:

1. Maths - Log onto TT Rockstars and practise your times tables. Try and get your class up the leaderboard for our KS2 tournament.

2. Maths - Complete the questions attached in the photo about equivalent fractions.

3. English - Write a setting narrative about the weather outside today. Try to include expanded noun phrases, parenthesis, fronted adverbials and metaphors.

4. Computing - Click the link below and practise your coding skills.

5. Science - Click on the link below and write some facts about friction.

If you have any questions or need any help with anything, please just give me a message.

Have a lovely day.

28.11.24 - Equivalent Fractions

Home Learning for School Closure on 27th November 2024:


As school is closed today, here are some suggestions for work to do at home.

1. Practise your times tables on TT Rockstars (If you need a login and password again, please just give me a message). It is very important for your child to know their times tables as it helps them access the Year 5 maths curriculum.

2. At the moment in Maths, we are learning about fractions. Click on the link below, watch some of the videos and practise some of the activities on there. We are currently learning about equivalent fractions, but if you want to look ahead at some other fraction lessons, that will help you in upcoming lessons.

3. We are currently learning about the Anglo Saxons in History. Please click on the link below and write some facts about what you have learnt from the videos and bring them into school. The child with the best facts can receive some dojos as a prize.

4. In Geography, we are currently learning about oceans. In the link below, there are some videos and resources which will help your child learn more about our Geography topic. Make some notes of what you have learnt and bring them into school.

Image result for welcome lettering

Welcome to Year 5!



We are looking forward to the year ahead. There are lots of exciting things planned for Year 5. Keep an eye out on our class pages for information, examples of children's amazing work, photographs and any news of special events.


Teachers: Mr Stevenson and Miss Doyle

Learning Support Assistants: Mrs Hughes and Miss Murphy

PPA teacher: Mrs McGuinness


Below you will find lots of information about our class. This will include information on the Year 5 curriculum, our school schemes, reading book days, PE days, homework and water bottles. We will update the website regularly and notify you of any important dates for your diary. Information about lessons and current work will also be provided through Class Dojo.


Anything that you wish to share or talk about, please message us on Class Dojo. We endeavour to regularly check all messages and we will reply as soon as we can. Any absences should be phoned through to the school office.

We are here for your children, and we will always listen.


Book bags/Reading books

Reading books will be changed regularly. Please send your child's book bag/reading book to school with them as often as possible.  We encourage that you ask your child questions about their book and that you encourage your child to ask their own questions. It is important to develop comprehension skills, as it supports your child with reading and writing. We encourage you to visit our amazing local library to expand your child’s knowledge and love of books.




The Spelling Shed, Maths Shed and TT Rockstars

Your child will be bringing home a password. This will enable them to log onto the spelling shed, maths shed and TT Rockstars. We will set a variety of fun activities on this site for you to share at home with your child.




Our PE day this year is Wednesday. Please ensure that your child comes to school in their PE kit on Friday. 

The school PE kit is available from Lazer School Wear, St Mary's Road in Garston. This is a red

t-shirt with the school badge and blue school shorts. However, your child can wear a plain red t-shirt and dark blue shorts that are available from most supermarkets. The children can wear any training shoes for PE.

This is part of our school uniform and must be worn for PE lessons.

Football kit and other sportswear will not be allowed.



Water Bottles

There are studies to say, that drinking water and being well hydrated, improves the mood, memory, and attention in children. We would ask that you send in a water bottle for your child each day. We request that your child brings in water only and not juice or fizzy drinks. The children will have access to their water throughout the day.


Religious Education

This term we will be completing the topic about Hope - Advent. We will also be learning about the religion of Judaism.



We will be looking at the topic of 'Changes in Friendship' during our Personal, Social and Health Education sessions this half term.


This term year 5 are reading a text called, 'FaRther'. We will be immersing ourselves in the book, analysing it and then writing a setting description.





Last term, before starting our place value unit, year 5 completed a week of inspirational maths challenges. It was important that we started our year 5 maths journey with a positive attitude. These challenges encouraged us to reason mathematically whilst solving problems as well as being interesting, fun, engaging, inclusive and stimulating. The children really enjoyed the week of inspirational maths challenges and it certainly helped with a ‘I can do maths’ attitude!

 This term year 5 will be completing our multiplication and division unit. We are looking forward to see what the children can achieve!




Our Science this half term is linked to our English. The topic is: Earth, Moon and Sun. We will be looking at the solar system, phases of the moon, shadows and the sun during different times of the day. We will also research a famous scientist who has contributed to this area.


Year 5 will be studying the Anglo Saxons. Keep an eye out for our fantastic work later in the term!



This term in Geography we will be learning about oceans. Look out for information and examples of work later in the term.


Art and Design

Our first art project has involved looking at DRAWING and PHOTOGRAPHY using Degas as an initial influence. 

Edgar Degas painted ballerinas. He was fascinated with how they moved and tried to capture this in his work.

We looked at images showing different kinds of dancing such as Street Dance. We studied the shapes and movement that these street dancers manage to create with their bodies.


One way of depicting movement in a still picture is to use repeated images. This gives the illusion of the person moving across the page. We used different art medium to create these images.


Design Technology


Our topic for D.T this term is Celebrating Culture and Seasonality. 


Physical Education



This term in P.E we will be learning Dance, specifically The Charleston.



The children will continue with their Latin lessons this year, building on their skills and knowledge from Year 4.


For our music lessons, Year 5 will be learning how to play the ukulele, with expert teachers, Dan and Ethan. We will keep you informed of our progress.
