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Good Morning,

As we are unfortunately not able to be together in school today, please find some activities below which you can get on with at home. If you need any of your log in details for any of the platforms we use, please just send me a message :)

1. Reading - this is always our number one activity. You can practice reading or sharing your reading book or any other books you have at home or using the following links:

school code: tjq6

2. Spellings on ED SHED - This weeks spellings have been set as an assignment and can be practiced - here is the link.

3. Timetables on TT ROCKSTARS - Times tables are really important for lots of other areas of maths, so it is important to know them all by heart. We are also half way through our school competition, so can we get to the top of the leader-board? Here is the link

4. SATs revision for maths and grammar on SATS Bootcamp.

We will be moving onto measures soon in maths, so you could watch some of the measures videos on SATs bootcamp to prepare you for the lessons coming up (topic 11) and for English, you could do some revision on prefixes and suffixes (Topic 23)

5. If you want some time away from the screen, you could practice your measuring skills ready for our measuring topic in maths. For English, you could write a descriptive paragraph about Rami being on the boat and spotting land in the distance, a sign of hope!

Please contact me if you need anything.

Mrs Cairns :)

Thursday 28th November 2024


Good Morning,

As we are unfortunately not able to be together in school today, please find some activities below which you can get on with at home. If you need any of your log in details for any of the platforms we use, please just send me a message :)

1. Reading - this is always our number one activity. You can practice reading or sharing your reading book or any other books you have at home or using the following links:

school code: tjq6

2. Spellings on ED SHED - This weeks spellings have been set as an assignment and can be practiced - here is the link.

3. Timetables on TT ROCKSTARS - Times tables are really important for lots of other areas of maths, so it is important to know them all by heart. We are also half way through our school competition, so can we get to the top of the leader-board? Here is the link

4. SATs revision for maths and grammar on SATS Bootcamp.

We will be moving onto fractions next in maths, so you could watch some of the fractions videos on SATs bootcamp to prepare you for the lessons coming up (topic 7) and for English, you could do some revision on hypens, dashes and commas for parenthesis (Topic 5 – other punctuation)

5. If you want some time away from the screen, you could complete some long multiplication calculations e.g. 541 x 42 – remember the magic zero. For English, you could create some transition sentences to help with writing your flashback narrative. E.g. Glancing at the moon above reminded me of happier times …
The loud bang of a firework brought me back to reality, on this boat with no hope…


Please contact me if you need anything

Mrs Cairns :)

Wednesday 27/11/24


Good Morning,

As we are unfortunately not able to be together in school today, please find some activities below which you can get on with at home. If you need any of your log in details for any of the platforms we use, please just send me a message :)

1. Reading - this is always our number one activity. You can practice reading or sharing your reading book or any other books you have at home or using the following links:

school code: tjq6

2. Spellings on ED SHED - This weeks spellings have been set as an assignment and can be practiced - here is the link.

3. Timetables on TT ROCKSTARS - Times tables are really important for lots of other areas of maths, so it is important to know them all by heart. We are also half way through our school competition, so can we get to the top of the leader-board? Here is the link

4. SATs revision for maths and grammar on SATS Bootcamp.

In class we have been learning about division in maths and expanded noun phrases in English. You can practice these on SATs Bootcamp (Maths topic 4 and English topic 12). There is also a reading revision section if you'd like to have a go at that (English topic 15)

5. If you want some time away from the screen, you could always do some division using pen and paper, e.g. 561 divided by 3 or 542 divided by 13 using the methods we have learnt in class and you could create some sentences using expanded noun phrases to help with the rest of our flashback writing. E.g. The dark, rolling thunder clouds loomed overhead.

Please contact me if you need anything

Mrs Cairns :)

Teacher: Mr Elsworth

Learning Support Assistant: Miss McGuinness


Below you will find lots of information about our class, including what we have been up to...


Reading books should be read at home and brought in on your child's day.  Your child will read with an adult in school and their book will be changed when necessary. 



Homework will usually be set on Edshed, Dojo or Purple Mash.  We will tell the children when homework has been set and will share a message with parents on Dojo to inform you too.




PE  this half term is on a Thursday, so please remember to come to school in your PE kit.

The school PE kit is available from Lazer School Wear, St. Mary's Road in Garston.  This is a red t-shirt with the school badge and school blue shorts.  However, your child can also wear a plain red t-shirt and dark blue shorts that are available from most supermarkets.  The children can wear any training shoes for PE.

This is part of our school uniform and must be worn for PE lessons.

Football kits and other sportswear will not be allowed.


During the autumn term, Y6 will be having weekly swimming lessons.  These lessons will take place on a Friday.  Please remember to bring your swimming kit, including a swimming cap.



Spellings will be taken home on  Monday and there will be a test the following Monday morning after we have worked upon their meanings and spelling strategies throughout the week.


Below are some word cards that you can print out to use at home and some ideas to make your spelling practice more fun.  Remember, you can also log onto spelling shed to play lots of fun spelling games.


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Numbers and the Number System

Before starting our place value maths topic, year 6 completed a week of inspirational maths challenges.  It was important that we started our year 6 maths journey off positively and these challenges helped us to solve problems and reason mathematically, but even more importantly, they were: fun, interesting, encouraging, creative, engaging and inclusive.  These challenges were simply called 'I can do maths!'.  The children thoroughly enjoyed the week of challenges and it certainly did help us set an 'I can do, positive attitude' towards maths.


It was then time to tackle place value!  Take a look at our place value front cover to see the objectives that we will cover. 



Image result for number clipart


4 operations


After completing our place value unit, it was time to build on our new knowledge and use it to help us with calculations using the 4 operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division).


  Take a look at our 4 operations front cover to see the objectives that we will cover. 



New Year 6 Book - WAR HORSE


'I saw the grey soldiers ahead of us raise their rifles and heard the death rattle of a machine gun ...'


A powerful story of the truest friendships in the worst of wars from the award-winning former Children's Laureate Michael Morpurgo.


Our first science topic this term is the heart and the circulatory system.  During this unit, we will learn about: the parts and functions of the circulatory system, how our body transports blood, water and nutrients around the body, the affects of a healthy and unhealthy lifestyle on the body and the importance of exercise.



During this unit, children learn how to group and classify living things, including plants.  They learn about the famous scientist Carl Linnaeus, who invented the classification system (branching key).  The children learn how to classify animals using scientific vocabulary linked to characteristics of different groups, such as warm-blooded, vertebrate, live young etc.


During the Autumn term, we will be learning about World War Two.  Our English, history and whole class reading will all be based on World War Two.  In English we will learn about Rose Blanche and Anne Frank.  At the end of the unit, we will write our own diary entries and a bravery award speech.


In History, we will be learning about when and how World War Two started and how it fits into a historic timeline.  We will also learn about rationing, evacuation and key turning events in the war such as The Blitz.


For our whole class reading, we are really excited to have several texts all based around World War Two. We have a variety of genres including fiction, non-fiction and poetry.  We will examine extracts from the books, looking at key vocabulary, the type of language used by the authors and the layout of the different texts.

During this topic, the children will learn about their local area of Speke, building on previous knowledge learnt throughout their time in school.  The big question for this unit is 'How has Speke's population influenced a change in land use and what might it look like in the future?' The children will look at physical and human features in their local area, use an 8-point compass to write and follow directions, use 6-figure grid references and look at the change of land use over time, by studying maps.




RE - Loving

During this topic, our big question is; 

Does love last forever or does it have limits?

To help answer this, the children will explore the love and care of people and learn about God's unconditional, never-ending love.


The key vocabulary in this unit is:

Unconditional, forgiveness, mercy, prodigal, parable.



During this unit, the children looked the Jewish celebrations of Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur and Mitzvah Day.

Vocation and Commitment



Our lives are marked by many different experiences of being welcomed into new situations and groups.


We recognise the importance of welcome, of feeling comfortable with new situations and belonging to new groups. We belong to families, to work places and to social groupings.



Christians believe that everyone is invited to share in the life and work of God through Baptism. The Bible recounts God’s invitations to people to share in his life and work: among them Moses, Samuel, the prophets, Mary and the apostles.


“Through Baptism, men and women are incorporated into Christ. They are formed into God’s people and they obtain the forgiveness of all their sins. They become a new creation through water and the Holy Spirit. Hence they are called and are indeed children of God. Signed with the gift of the Spirit in Confirmation, Christians more perfectly become the image of their Lord and are filled with the Holy Spirit. They bear witness to him before all the world and eagerly work for the building up of the body of Christ.”


During this topic, the children will learn about commitment in life and the vocation to priesthood and religious life.




Advent is a time when we appreciate the love in our lives and prepare to celebrate love becoming a reality in the person of Jesus. Christians at Christmas celebrate the gift of Jesus, given by God as a sign and expression of God’s love. Giving and receiving reflects the truth that all life is given by God and life is given meaning through the gift of Jesus.

In this unit, the children learn about the meaning of expectation and that Advent is a time of joyful expectation of Christmas, the Word becoming a human person, Jesus.

PE Autumn 1 Topic - Athletics

Our class PE is on a Friday so please remember your red t-shirt, blue shorts and suitable footwear.

So far, 6E have really enjoyed developing their skills and techniques in a variety of events including: sprint races, standing triple jump, long jump, relay races and indoor standing triple jump.


Towards the end of autumn term, Y6 will be having 10 weeks worth of weekly swimming lessons.  These lessons will take place on a Monday.  Please remember to bring your swimming kit, including a swimming cap. The swimming start date will be announced in November or December.



In KS2, the children learn Latin.  The lessons aim to give pupils both a sound foundation knowledge of the Latin language, and a taster of some of the ‘best bits’ of culture from Ancient Greece and Rome.  In the autumn term, the children will learn about:

  • The Latin roots of English
  • Parts of speech
  • Verbs

New Year 6 Book - The Malamander!

All is not what it seems at this seaside town - myths, mysteries, monsters and home to the legend of the Malamander!

This is our new year 6 class book - we will journey to the seaside where lots of fun themed learning awaits!


Bird Drawings

Mammal Drawings

Drawing Fish

Reptile & Amphibian drawing

Insect Drawing
