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Being Safe, Healthy and Happy - Children's Advice

We want all of our children to feel safe, healthy and happy. If you do not feel safe, healthy or happy please talk to an adult that you trust, either at home or in school. All of the staff in the school are here to help you.


Mrs Harrop, Mr Lee, Mrs Cairns, Mrs Baxter, Mrs Chadwick and Mr Hall are also all part of the Safeguarding team in school. This means that we have had special training about how to keep children safe and how to help you if you do not feel safe. Please come and speak to us at any time. 



If you feel you are not safe outside of school or are worried, you can always call Childline.

Childline is a free service for children and young people - there whenever they need support or advice.

Childline is for every child and young person. Whatever problems or dangers they're facing they are there to listen – 365 days a year.



Below are some resources that may help but it is still always important to talk to a trusted adult.
