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At St. Christopher's we aim to deliver a high-quality computing education which equips pupils to use their computational thinking to be as creative as possible and to understand the foundations of computing. We are lucky to have a variety of fantastic tools to access our engaging and exciting computing curriculum. Our children have the opportunity to use Google Chromebooks and iPads to access a wide selection of educational apps. Our teachers ensure that they apply computing across all topics in school and identify opportunities where technology can enhance learning. Coding and programming are taught in line with the expectations of the new national curriculum through Code Studio which allows children to code and program at their own pace and enables us to identify good progress.


Throughout the year we will be delivering creative and engaging lessons which will be designed to enhance whatever topics children are learning about in their classes.  We will utilise existing technology that we have in school, such as virtual reality headsets and other immersive technologies which will take us to different environments and enrich our curriculum. 




At St. Christopher's we use the NCCE Teach Computing scheme. Please view some of our documents for Computing below, including our Computing Curriculum journey.

Online Safety

As a school, we emphasise the importance of online safety. Every half term every child from Year 1 to Year 6 takes part in an Online Safety Lesson. We want to make sure our children are equipped with skills to use technology and the internet to their advantage and know how to do this efficiently and safely.


Below are some links which provide more information about how you can be safer online: 

Have a look at some of our work this year in Computing.
