Science Curriculum
At St Christopher's, Science lessons are timetabled weekly with year group topics taught during each half term. Where possible, Science learning is linked to cross-curricular topics and texts however, it is still taught as an individual subject. An overview of the New Science Curriculum can be found below identifying the three specific areas of learning – Biology, Chemistry and Physics along with our whole school Long Term Plan identifying more detailed coverage within each year group.
Science Double Page Spreads
After being trialed in year 6, we have recently introduced a reinforcement and review activity called a double-page spread.
Aim: To revisit prior learning and for children to demonstrate understanding of taught concepts whilst also allowing pupils some independent and personalised classroom learning.
This initially is being introduced and trialled for 2 topics in KS1 and 3 topics in KS2 year groups.
Double-page spread school coverage:
Y1 - Seasons and Animals.
Y2 - Living Things/Habitats and Animals.
Y3 - Rocks/Soils, plants and light.
Y4 - Digestive System, States of matter and sound.
Y5 - Earth/Space, Materials and Forces.
Y6 - Circulatory System, Evolution and Electricity.
St. Christopher's Curriculum Scientists
This year, we have updated our science curriculum to include learning on the below scientific figures which have been matched to year group science topics.
The Task : To identify through science observations and analyse the staff culprit behind the 4 crime scenes located around the school! Could the footprints left in the school garden be Mr Hints? Do the fingerprints in the dream room belong to Mr Chadwick? Is it Mrs Halls handwriting left on the hall wall? Each class was presented with CSI tasks to complete in order to eliminate 1 by 1 the 14 innocent staff suspects leaving just 1 staff criminal to be handed over to the police!
The Staff Suspects under investigation were:
The Crime Scenes : 4 crime scenes were found early morning by CSI police officers; The Dream Room, School Garden, Reception resource area and Hall violin storage cupboard. Lots of vandalism and criminal activity was found at the scenes; missing laptops, half eaten food, graffiti, ripped books to broken chairs.
Year group activity overview :
Reception – Gathering, observing and recording patterns in
paper tears and mystery hidden writing.
Year 1 – Comparing and describing mystery powders and their properties. Examine mystery UV light messages!
Year 2 – Perform and observe a simple PH paper test on blood samples. Examine mystery UV light messages!
Year 3 – Compare and identify crime scene materials (magnetic and non-magnetic). Observe and compare footprint patterns including casting of a class print mould.
Year 4 – Compare solid powder reactions – has a liquid, solid or solution (mixture) formed? To make detailed observations via a microscope. Observe and examine bite mark sizes in crime scene food.
Year 5 – Use chromatography to identify ink changes (reversible changes). Crack car park mystery codes!
Year 6 – Take accurate and precise fingerprint measurements using scientific equipment. To make detailed observations via a microscope of mystery powders.
The criminal is caught...
Thanks to all the children's super investigative skills innocent teachers were cleared of the crime eventually leaving the final 5 suspects below; Mrs Hall, Mrs Pierlejewski, Mr Chadwick, Mrs Cairns and Mr Hall. All the collated evidence incriminated Mr Hall who even tried to escape across the school field from the police officers who eventually captured the guilty suspect! Well done to all for solving the crime!
A big thank you to PCs Paul and Sophie for their help and involvement during our Science CSI day.
Thanks for looking at our Science page.
Mr Elsworth