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Welcome to RO


A big welcome to all our children who have started Reception at St Christopher's after the summer break. We are delighted with how well the children have settled into RO and look forward to our learning journey this year.

Class Teacher- Miss O'Connor

Support staff-  Miss Finlay


Like all other Early Years Settings we use the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage 2023 and Development Matters 2023. This can be found at:



Independent Learners


In Reception we encourage our children to be independent learners. We encourage them to choose activities, tidy up after themselves, access snack and dress and undress independently - this is something we support initially. We ask that you support us by encouraging your child to become more independent at home e.g. dressing and undressing, helping with jobs around the house. 




In Reception we teach phonics daily.  We follow Read Write Inc. Phonics is the learning and application of the letters and sounds children need in order to read and write. Phonics is split into groups based on children's development. Information can be found in the link below.


Outdoor Learning

Outdoor learning is an important part of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Curriculum so the children spend a lot of time outside. On sunny days please ensure your child has sun cream, a cap and a water bottle. As the weather gets colder please ensure your child has a suitable coat, hat, scarf, gloves etc. Thank you.



PE takes place on a Friday.  On PE day children will come in already dressed in their PE kits. The school PE kit is available from Lazer School Wear St Mary's Road in Garston. This is a red t-shirt with the school badge on and school blue shorts. However, your child can also wear a plain red t-shirt and dark blue shorts that are available from most supermarkets. The children can wear any training shoes for PE. This is part of our school uniform policy and must be worn for PE lessons. Football kits and other sportswear will not be allowed. Children wearing the correct uniform will be awarded a Class monster point.


Book Bags

Children will read in class and we would encourage you to read with them daily at home.  Children will be given a reading for pleasure book to share at home each Friday and once they have practiced a Read Write Inc text in school this will also be sent home for consolidation. Oxford Owl have put an online library on their website if you need extra reading materials.


Water bottle

Your child can bring water into school in a water bottle with a sports cap. The bottles need to be labelled with your child's name and we recommend that they bring a drink daily so they always have access to water.


Class Dojo

This year as a way of communicating with families we have sent you an email invitation to join our class Dojo page.  This platform allows you to see when we reward your child with a monster point and see work we have done in class and messages on class story.  If you have not received your invitation please inform a member of staff of your up to date email address so we can resend it or click the link below. 


External Links



Thank you.

Miss O'Connor

Reception Curriculum

Autumn term 

RE - Myself, Welcome, Birthday and Judaism week. Children will also be performing a Nativity this half term.

RWI - Expectation for the end of term is children will know the 25 single letter sounds and be able to blend them orally in words i.e. know c-a-t says cat.

Maths - Sort and compare numbers, secure number knowledge to 5 (recognising different representations, subitising) more or less and equal too and exploring 4 sided shapes.

Topics - Friendships and Animals, Stars and Space, Christmas, Autumn/Winter

ICT Workshops - breakout, Robot carousel, Santa Skype. 

Weekly PE, Music lessons.


Spring term 

RE - We will be starting the new RE scheme 'To know you more clearly' and our first branch will focus on the Presentation story.

RWI - Expectation for the end of term is children will blend sounds to read words and be reading red books by the end of the term.

Maths - securing numbers knowledge to 10, counting beyond 20, missing hidden parts of numbers, doubling, odd and even numbers, mass, capacity, 3D shapes, 1 more than

Topics - Superheroes, Winter, Traditional Tales, Easter, Lunar New Year

Weekly PE, Music lessons.

Other - Reading festival, World Book day, Reception screening by Nurses


Check out Class Dojo to see photographs of our Nativity. I'm super proud of all the children and even a music fail did not phase them! Well done everyone.
